Oftentimes, young hitters struggle to transfer high levels of energy while still controlling their bodies. Either the swing lacks energy, or it lacks control. Understanding how much energy we can control, then working to increase that limit can add valuable power and contact for hitters.
To start making this adjustment, the first thing we need to understand is where we currently lie on that scale of energy vs. control. If we think we are too high on the energy side and too low on the control side, I suggest over-adjusting and taking some swings with max control. Once you feel that out, you can work to find the balance between energy and control. Increase energy until we feel like we are losing some control of our swing. Now you know your limit and can work to increase that limit over time.
Vice versa, if we are too low on the energy side, take some swings with as much energy as you can. Still, try to take good swings, but understand it's okay to feel out some max energy swings where you have less control. Once you feel that, work to find that balance of the maximum amount of energy you can control. Then work to increase that limit over time.
One of the most important things to understand is that the limit of how much energy you can control changes over time. If you get stronger or make beneficial mechanical adjustments to your swing, you should be able to control more energy. However, if you are sore or injured, you will probably be able to control less energy. Understanding this limit is essential for improving our power and control as a hitter.
Check out these videos and products to help increase the amount of energy you can control: